Leadership Journeys

Customized programs over 12 to 18 months for founders, senior executives and leadership teams to realize true potential and transform worlds.

My Why

The challenges of an organization and one who chooses to lead are most unique. No one solution can possibly fit most of them - they are truly adaptive in nature.

The path that will emerge hinges on the courage and choices of the one who walks, assuring grand adventures and growth along the way.

I am inspired by the many, many remarkable people who have chosen to lead teams, organizations and humanity at large.

People who forged paths with every step taken and gifted me the privilege of walking together for a part of the journey.

In serving the consciousness of organizations and leaders, I offer the knowledge and skills earned through experience, contemplation and the guidance of great teachers and mentors, as well as a heartfelt wish to be of the highest service to your true potential.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

Organizational Journeys

For Teams

  • Envision a common future and co-create cultures that inspire creative leadership

  • Come together as "one team with one mission" and develop clarity on the simple shifts that will deliver aspirations

  • Develop core relationship skills to become servant leaders that support each other

  • Overcome reactive patterns of behaviour that come in the way of faster decision-making and trust-building

  • Bring personal meaning and a greater ownership to work every day


  • Discover and walk the path of true human potential

  • Shift from fear-based patterns to acting with courage, creativity and compassion

  • Build deeper human connection and meaningful relationships

  • Enjoy the journey of life and unearth its incredible gifts

  • Translate your life purpose into real-world impact and service

Express Interest

Interested in a customized leadership program? Share your contact information here and we’ll get back to you at our soonest availability.